After trying dozens of strategies, I found 7 sleep habits that can improve efficiency

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Good sleep is not only related to how long you sleep, but also how well you sleep. The author of this article analyzed the sleep practices of many outstanding high-performance people, read dozens of books on sleep regulation and energy management, tried dozens of strategies, and finally found the best way to fight fatigue and improve efficiency through sleep. The best way. The author of this article, Sinem Günel, originally titled "7 Sleep Habits of Highly Effective People", I hope to inspire you.

Image source: Photo by Noémi Macavei-Katócz on Unsplash

Two years ago, when I decided to become an entrepreneur full-time, I found myself struggling with fatigue. Even though I am teaching personal development courses myself, I cannot get up on time every day.

I work at home, do not have many meetings, and can decide to sleep and wake up at any time. Although I sleep more than 8 hours most of the time, I still feel exhausted.

I have a well-designed morning plan for myself, exercise regularly and eat vegetarian food, but I still don’t feel energetic.

Although I thought that I should sleep more at first, I soon discovered that the real problem was quality, not my sleep time.

I often work late into the night, browse Instagram until I fall asleep, and like to eat supper. As a result, my sleep quality has deteriorated and I feel that I am not well rested, no matter how many hours I rest.

After living in this cycle of constant fatigue for a few months, I decided to make a change. I analyzed what those excellent people do, read dozens of books on sleep regulation and energy management, and tried dozens of strategies until I found the best way to combat fatigue and improve efficiency.

1. Use the power of self-reflection

Highly efficient people take time to reflect on themselves. Through self-reflection, they will discover which tasks and projects are successful and which are not.

It is especially helpful to reflect on your day before you go to bed, because it allows you to let go of the mistakes and negative factors of the day.

As John Dewey once said:

"We are not learning from experience, but from reflective experience."

If you want to be effective, you need to move forward, and the best way to move forward is to reflect on your experience before going to bed.

The only rule for self-reflection is to be honest. You need to admit your shortcomings and mistakes so that you can let go of them.

You can try to answer these questions before going to bed, these questions are also my favorite to ask myself:

  • How am I feeling today?

  • What is something to be proud of today?

  • Is there anything wrong today?

  • Did I accomplish today's goal?

  • What makes me happy today?

  • Can I do better?

Answering these questions will help you let go of your whole day's experience. In addition, it will also help you discover what you can change and improve.

"End the previous day before you start the second day, and build a solid wall of sleep between the two."

-Ralph Waldo Emerson (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

2. Sleep in a cool, dark, noise-free room

People who sleep well spend most of their sleep in the bedroom. To make the bedroom suitable for sleep, you need to darken the room, keep it cool, and avoid noise.

When we are exposed to too much bright light, our body cannot distinguish between day and night. As a result, falling asleep becomes more difficult and the quality of sleep decreases. Dim the lights 30 minutes before going to bed to make sure your body can calm down and prepare for a good night’s sleep. Also, make sure that your bedroom is dark so that you are not exposed to light when you sleep. You can also use a blindfold to ensure complete darkness.

If you cannot avoid noise in the bedroom, you can use earplugs to ensure quietness.

Eye masks and earplugs are also good travel partners , no matter where you are, you can guarantee high-quality sleep.

According to Shawn Stevenson, author of the best-selling book "Smarter Sleep", your mental, emotional, or physical performance will all be affected by the quality of your sleep.

Therefore, it is important to sleep in a dark, cool, and noise-free room as much as possible.

3. Cut off the connection with the world and return to yourself

Studies have proved that the artificial blue light on the screen has a negative effect on our sleep patterns. This is because it impairs the production of melatonin, which is a hormone that helps us fall asleep and sleep well.

There are several ways to avoid blue light before going to bed, but the most effective way is not to look at the screen at all.

If you cannot do this, you have the following two options:

  • You can install a blue light blocker (such as f.lux) on the screen.

  • Or you can use anti-blue glasses.

"It is absolutely necessary to break away from technology and reconnect with ourselves."

-Arianna Huffinton

4. Prepare to conquer the next day

We often spend our night time worrying about the next day. We always think about the things that need to be done and feel stressed, instead of spending the last few hours of the day relaxing.

This is why writing down what to do the next day can give you a lot of relaxation and let you spend the last few hours before bed peacefully.

Preparing the task list for the next day can help you calm down and sleep better.

If you are a bit workaholic like me, you may always think about your next task, even if your working hours are over.

Therefore, before leaving the desk, I will consciously prepare for the next day's tasks and put myself into a relaxed mode. By doing this, I don’t have to worry about my to-do list, because I can follow my plan.

In addition to your task list, you can also pack your backpack, match the clothes you want to wear, and anything else you need the next day. There is nothing more satisfying than knowing that you are ready for the next day as soon as you go to bed.

As Alan Lakein once said:

"No plan is a plan failure."

If you want to perform best in the morning, you need to make sure to prepare well in the evening.

5. Relax

If you want a good night’s sleep, you should enter the relaxation mode at least 30 minutes before going to bed. Otherwise, not only will it be difficult for you to fall asleep, but you will also bring your stress and worries to bed.

When we sleep, the brain processes all the things we experience throughout the day. What we think, read, and believe before going to bed has a particularly strong effect on our brain.

This is why you should not work until the last minute before going to bed. Instead, choose activities that help you relax.

You can end the day by keeping a diary, or think about your goals before going to bed, because your brain processes these positive thoughts while you sleep.

In addition, you can also do some other things to help you calm down after a tiring day, such as reading a book, listening to music, podcasts, audiobooks, doing some stretching exercises, or whatever you want to do inside thing.

The only important thing is to relax yourself so that you can fall asleep easily when you go to bed.

"A cool head is the ultimate weapon against challenges."

——Bryant McGill (Bryant McGill)

6. Enrich your mind

Highly efficient people are continuous learners. Even in busy days, they will take time to enrich their brains with new and inspiring ideas.

Studies have shown that things you read or listen to before going to bed are easier to remember. This is because our brain processes the information received during the day at night. What we study or think before going to bed has the greatest impact on our brains.

Especially those exciting, positive stories or non-fiction books that can help you relax while filling your brain.

7. Avoid supper

If you like to eat supper before going to bed, it is best just to drink some tea, relaxing, such as kamo Mill tea, lavender tea or mint tea instead of candy or other high-calorie snacks. Although this can satisfy your appetite, eating foods rich in carbohydrates or fats before going to bed can impair your sleep quality.

In addition, eating late at night may also cause inflammation, impaired blood sugar regulation and obesity.

Try to avoid eating late at night, you will thank yourself.

Write at the end

Pay more attention to these small details before going to bed. This will not only help you sleep better, but also significantly improve your overall quality of life.

You can choose from many activities, but no matter what you do, the main purpose of evening activities should be to calm down and release the negative emotions that may accumulate throughout the day.

good night’s sleep will set the tone for the next day’s success and help you stay calm and efficient. As Arianna Huffington preached:

"The way to make life more efficient, more inspired, and happier is to get enough sleep."

Good sleep is not only related to how long you sleep, but also how well you sleep. Therefore, be sure to make the most of your rest time in accordance with the above-mentioned practice of highly effective people.


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