A good weight loss diet plan: how much carbohydrate should be eaten every day

 Core tip: Some people say that eating too much carbs can't lose weight. Others say that low-carb weight loss can't last long. So how much carbs can be eaten for weight loss? Next, I will tell you the answer from Ben Intimate and Sensible Nine.

Some people say that eating too much carbs can't lose weight. Others say that low-carb weight loss can't last long. So how much carbs can be eaten to lose weight is just right? Next, I will tell you the answer from Ben Intimate and Sensible Nine.

For a good weight loss diet, the calorie distribution basically follows this ratio: the proportion of fat is 20%-30%, the carbohydrate is 50%-60%, and the protein is more than 15%. In other words, the total amount of carbon water you eat every day accounts for 50% to 60% of the calories you need for that day.

If you need to eat 1,500 calories a day during weight loss, then the calories you need from carbon water are 750~900 calories:

1500*50%=750 kcal

1500*60%=900 kcal

And 1g of carbon water has 4 calories, then the amount of carbon water you need is 187.5~225g:



Note that the weight here does not refer to the weight of 187.5g of rice, but the weight of carbon water in the rice.

For example, a bowl of rice has about 52g of carbon water. If you only eat rice to add carbon water a day, you need to eat at least 3.6 bowls. A medium potato is about 38g of carbon water. If you only eat potatoes to add carbon water a day, you need to eat at least 5 potatoes.

However, there are many kinds of carbon water, so if you want to calculate accurately, you need to cooperate with food scales and food calorie calculation tools, such as a food composition table or 39 Weight Loss Fitness College official number (you can find the calories by sending the food name)~

If you find it troublesome, just remember these commonly used carbon and water content:

Staple food

For a healthy adult:

The daily staple food = 2 fist cereals + a fist potato or mixed beans, the weight is about 250 grams-400 grams, here refers to the cooked weight.


The amount of fruit eaten every day is controlled at about 200-350 grams. Probably there are as many as an apple~

Add sugar

The amount of added sugars eaten every day is controlled at 25g, preferably not more than 50g. It's about 250ml of Coke.

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