Look at the weight loss, how to lose weight quickly

 Why do you always fail to lose weight? You have chosen so many ways to lose weight, but why do you always see no results? It's not that you always fish for three days and spend two days on the net, but you really haven't found a good one. method. Today, the editor will introduce some good ways to lose weight. I hope it can be helpful to you. Let’s take a look.

Look at the weight loss, how to lose weight quickly

1. Change the types of foods you often eat

In most cases, you usually want to eat the foods you often eat, so if you change the types of foods you often eat, you can weaken your cravings for the foods you used to eat, and strengthen the food you eat regularly. Food cravings. Moreover, researchers have found that such a change is quite fast. Researchers once did an experiment in which they asked volunteers to drink a plain and tasteless meal replacement beverage for five consecutive days. It turned out that soon, the volunteers' desire for the food they used to eat was not so strong. By the time the experiment was over, the volunteers had already turned more eager to consume those plain and tasteless meal replacement beverages. When changing the type of food you eat frequently, the first few days are usually the hardest. You may not be able to completely give up the food you used to eat. However, the longer you stay away from the foods you used to eat, the lower your cravings for them will become. In fact, at that time, you will turn to craving some new foods. If your new favorite food is fresh vegetables and fruits, then you will benefit a lot.

2. Eat more of these dishes to lose weight

1. Fat killer-bitter gourd. In the scorching summer, an indispensable heat-relief dish on the dinner table is bitter gourd. Bitter gourd has a high water content and low calories. Because of its high potassium content, it has the effect of relieving heat. Bitter gourd is rich in bitterness and is known as the "fat killer". Often eating bitter gourd can also increase the vitality of the cortex and make the skin tender and smooth. Bitter gourd is the first choice for weight loss~

2. The king of vegetables-spinach. Spinach is known as a nutritional model. It is rich in carotenoids, vitamins and other nutrients to promote gastrointestinal motility. Spinach is very low in calories, only 17 calories per 100 grams of spinach, which is good for bowel movements and is a vegetable that is not fat!

3. Tomatoes are the fruit of vegetables. Tomatoes contain 19 calories per 100 grams, very low in calories, and contain fruit acid and cellulose, which have the function of moistening the intestines and helping digestion. Tomatoes are rich in dietary fiber, which makes it easy for people to have a sense of revenge, but they are not absorbed by the body and are not easily converted into fat. They are a must for weight loss.

Three, egg weight loss recipe

Egg weight loss refers to the use of eggs as the main food for three meals a day, with a small amount of vegetables, fruits, bread, and coffee beverages. This is a scientific way to lose weight. Duration: half a month. Breakfast: 1 to 2 hard-boiled eggs, 1 favorite fruit, pure black coffee (without any sugar and creamer). There is an emulsifier called lecithin (lecithin) in egg yolk, which can emulsify and dissolve oil, reduce blood cholesterol and neutral fat content, and reduce the time that fat stays on the inner wall of blood vessels. The high-density lipoprotein contained can prevent hardening of the blood vessels, and the egg contains rich nutrients (protein), which can supplement the body's normal metabolism. Chinese food: a small amount of staple food and fresh vegetables. The fiber contained in fresh vegetables can increase satiety and reduce the intake of staple foods without being hungry. Moreover, the high content of cellulose makes the stomach and intestines easily absorbed, which is conducive to defecation, thus achieving the effect of weight control. Its high vitamin content can supplement the nutrients needed by the human body. Teach you that you can easily lose weight to 90 jins without exercise and medicine! Dinner: 1 fruit you love and two boiled eggs. The choice of fruits is based on the basic condition of low calorie excretion, and also high fiber content and low GI value. Generally, you can choose fruits such as apples, peaches, plums, pears and so on. Fruits are rich in vitamins and dietary fiber, which promote metabolism and suppress appetite.

In summary, if you want to lose weight, you must follow the above editor to change the types of foods you often eat. You can choose some vegetables that are easier to lose weight, such as fat killer bitter gourd, vegetable king spinach, and vegetables. Fruits—tomatoes, etc., often eat these vegetables, which are rich in nutrients, but also help promote gastrointestinal motility, help the body better digestion and absorption, and promote metabolism.


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